Vision for Assist Group. Creating Wealth with real estate investments and consolidating debt for real estate owners in distress without debt review

Financially Distressed In South Africa

Are You Financially Distressed In South Africa?

Homeowners and Property Owners in South Africa are faced with the difficult task of trying to make their monthly mortgage payments. With high-interest rates, hidden fees, and a struggling economy, it can be near impossible for some people to keep up with their mortgages.

Real Estate Assist has been helping homeowners stop auction and repossession since 2010 by providing sound advice on how they can get back on track financially. Property owners should not have to worry about going into foreclosure or losing their homes because of unpaid debt!

Homeowners and Property owners in South Africa can call Real Estate Assist previously known as (Property Assist) for a Free Property Consultation!

Real Estate Assist is one of the Best Property Advisories in South Africa who is in it not for the money but for the impact that they can make in every family and assisting property owners in distress across the South African country.

Distressed Property Owners in South Africa can find solutions and help without any upfront costs and fees when working with Real Estate Assist and a lasting debt solution to the financial crisis and challenges that many are facing in South Africa today.

Real Estate Assist is the answer to The Distressed Property Market in South Africa.

Stop my repo

Distressed Property in South Africa Solution

Property that is in danger of Repo, or has been foreclosed on, is called a distressed property. Foreclosure or repossession is the legal process through which a lender tries to get money from the borrower when the borrower doesn’t pay back their mortgage loan. The process involves taking an asset from your house as security against that loan and then selling it to get some money back. Distressed property investments are homes that have been taken by lenders because they haven’t paid back their loans.

Situations that would lead to a distressed property sale include:

  1. The first situation is when the borrower doesn’t pay for three or more consecutive months.
  2. The second situation is when the borrower sells their property voluntarily to repay their debt before it reaches foreclosure.
  3. The third situation involves borrowers who must sell because they are unable to maintain the mortgage payments due to unforeseen circumstances such as unemployment, disability, or family responsibilities.
  4. The fourth situation is when the borrowers own property but don’t have enough money to pay their mortgage. Property owners should not be afraid of foreclosure or repossession because there are ways that they can get back on track, make sure to contact us ASAP!
  5. Short sale – Real Estate Assist helps homeowners by negotiating with lenders for a short sale which is a situation where the borrower is in default on their property loan and is allowed to sell it for less than what they owe.
  6. Loan modification – A Property owner can ask lenders to change some terms of their mortgages, such as interest rates or repayments so that they will be able to afford them more easily. Property owners who don’t qualify for loan modifications can try requesting forbearance which is the temporary suspension of their payments due to financial hardship. Property owners who are unable to make any mortgage payments should seek legal advice as soon as possible so that they don’t lose their homes and avoid foreclosure or repossession.
Repossession and auction

Real Estate Assist can help Distressed Property Owners in South Africa!

Is your Property up for an Auction? Contact us for a Free Property Consultation and we will advise Property Owners and Homeowners on the Best Property Solutions and Legal advice.

Contact a real estate agent or attorney for advice about foreclosure defense. Property owners should also seek legal advice before they decide whether to file bankruptcy, as this will affect their lender options (Real estate Assist takes care of all this for you)

a sale in execution is when a homeowner or property owner is unable to meet their repayments on a bond and the lender, typically a bank sells the property at auction. Property owners are also required by law to pay for all costs associated with the selling of your home in execution. Property Assist South Africa does not charge any upfront fees when you sign up as our client so there is no risk to you. Real Estate Assist in South Africa is the Property owners and homeowners’ advisory in all property-related matters including repossession, foreclosure, eviction & auction sales process as well as debt consolidation services.

Real Estate Assist the Homeowners and property owners Property Advisory in South Africa helping homeowners stop a sale or an execution of their home by eliminating mortgage debt, auction sale, or eviction.

A quick sale is not always a good deal. Property owners can sell their properties quickly but that often means taking the lowest price possible with no thought to negotiation or removing obstacles that would help in future sales of any property.

We will unlock funds from your property or with the help of investors to buy you some time and fix up the property and so that you don’t need to sell under pressure for a desperate price.

Are you a Homeowner or Property Owner in Distress? Contact Real Estate Assist ASAP to avoid further financial pains and complications and let Real Estate Assist Help you and guide you with expert Property Advice and solutions.

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