Vision for Assist Group. Creating Wealth with real estate investments and consolidating debt for real estate owners in distress without debt review

Mortgage Debt Help in South Africa

Debt is a major problem in South Africa. The country has one of the highest rates of debt in the world, and it’s estimated that 1 out of every 3 families are struggling with their finances. With so much debt floating around, people often feel like they’re drowning and can’t find a way to keep their heads above water. This blog post will teach you how to clear your debt today and avoid adding more on top!

Create a budget

You may be clearing your debts now but if you don’t create an actual budget for yourself then there’s no point clearing anything at all because you’ll just go back into debt again as soon as you finish clearing some! Make sure that everything is accounted for in your expenses and then save enough money to pay yourself first.

Your budget needs to be realistic. While it’s important to set yourself some different goals, if you don’t think they’re achievable then it will only cause frustration and stress when you can’t achieve them or worse still, end up in more debt!

Clear all debt in South Africa

To be Debt Free in South Africa, Try not to rely on any credit cards for anything at all because this will just mean that your debts are growing instead of reducing! If there is an emergency, make sure you have savings which should allow enough money for the necessary expenses. This means no expensive vacations unless you’ve been saving specifically for one beforehand. Debt isn’t something that many people enjoy but with a good plan in place and determination, clearing your debt today is possible.

Mortgage Lenders and Home Loans in South Africa

There are lots of Debt Companies in South Africa that can help you to clear your debt today. This includes pawn shops and mortgage loan companies as well as the more conventional banks and credit unions. It’s important that you compare these institutions carefully before settling on one so take a look at their policies and be sure they provide lasting debt freedom in South Africa!

Loans are not the best options

Try to avoid loans completely, especially payday loans because these are the worst culprits when it comes to getting people into debt. There is a much better way! If you need anything, try saving for it instead of going further in debt and then paying interest on top of that too!

There are lots of different companies offering Debt Help in South Africa which can help you clear your debts quickly and easily without taking out any more loans or adding new credit cards onto your already overflowing pile. Remember though – if someone offers you help but asks for money upfront before they start working with you, walk away immediately because this means they’re only after making a quick buck rather than actually helping anyone at all.

Debt Help in South Africa with Real Estate Assist is a much more sustainable option that will get you out of debt without any trouble. This is the best way to clear your debts in South Africa!

Real Estate Assist with its Debt Help programs in South Africa is the solution for lasting debt freedom!

If you’ve been looking for a way to get out of debt and find relief, we can help. We specialize in helping people clear their debts by finding unique solutions that work specifically with your situation. Whether it is through our Debt clearance Programs or Debt Quick APP Solution, we are here to offer all-inclusive service to make sure you don’t incur any more interest charges on top of what you owe! All of this without worrying about losing anything (except your debts)! Contact us today and let’s start working together towards getting rid of those pesky bills once and for all!

Black Friday South Africa

On Black Friday, many companies offer deals and discounts to entice people to buy even more than they need. This is a dangerous time for anyone struggling with their finances and can cause enormous amounts of stress and anguish.

What makes the situation worse is that while it is tempting to try and get ahead by making incremental purchases, you will incur substantial debt in the process. There are two debts: borrowing money from the company which has given you a discount, and your credit card provider or bank who will charge you interest on your purchase. These debts add up over time and before long you’ll be in a situation where the only way out will be bankruptcy.

It’s not just Black Friday that causes this, but also any big shopping event, especially if you have a bad month at work and feel the need to make up for it. If this is happening, visit our website We can advise you on how to get out of debt without incurring any more interest from your credit cards!

How to Live Debt Free in South Africa

The saying goes that “bills cause stress which causes disease”. This is a very true statement, as having too much debt can cause a lot of stress in a person’s life. This stress can lead to all sorts of health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and even cancer.

The best way to avoid this is to clear your debt ASAP and with the right financial guidance.

Debt Free and Stress-Free in South Africa

The stress from debt also affects family relations and relationships. One partner may feel overwhelmed and become distant, while the other may become argumentative and tense. This can lead to a break-up or divorce, which will only add to the financial stress that is already present.

The best way to avoid this is to get help from a professional company such as Real Estate Assist who can clear your debts quickly and easily without any additional stress.

Real Estate Assist makes it a stress-free and debt-free journey to financial freedom and financial education. We have trained and experienced debt advisors and we desire to bring lasting changes and restore your financial status and creditworthiness.

We believe in second chances and it is not ok that One or two bad choices may put people in debt for generations and for most of their lives. Debt should be a thing of the past that you learned some valuable things from but not your destined future. Let’s kick debts butt once and for all clear your name from debt review and bad credit. Zero Debt is more than possible and it is time for you to take your power back. Homeownership is important for a healthy family and education to have healthy financial status should be attainable to everyone.

In South Africa, we desperately need more financial education and financial advisors and financial courses, and influencers that encourage budgeting and financial stability, and homeownership.

Real Estate Assist South Africa desires to help property owners deal with their debt and credit scores and help them with homeownership. If you have a property that you are paying off and your credit record is in a bad state because of covid and you need some help to finance your home contact Real Estate Assist in Cape Town South Africa. We are sure to have a solution perfect for your situation and would like to help you meet your mortgage payments and keep your home.

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