Vision for Assist Group. Creating Wealth with real estate investments and consolidating debt for real estate owners in distress without debt review

Real Estate Assist is the solution to distressed homeowners in South Africa

Distressed and Impaired property owners crises in SA

Homeowners in South Africa are facing a crisis. The housing market has been in decline for years, and many homeowners are struggling to keep up with their mortgage payments. The unemployment rate is at an all-time high, and many homeowners are struggling to make ends meet. This is especially true for homeowners who bought their properties during the height of the property boom—they may have taken out loans that they can’t afford to pay off.

But there’s hope! Real Estate Assist is here to help you find the personalized solution you need. Whether you’re looking to sell your home or refinance an existing loan, We can advise and give you the best solutions and take care of it all for you, we’re here to help. We understand that every situation is unique, which is why we make sure that every client receives individualized attention and care.

Stop my repossession

The Real Estate Market is tough. The real estate distressed market in South Africa is especially tough.

We see a lot of people struggling to make ends meet, the number of distressed homeowners has skyrocketed. and we’ve heard the same story over and over again: homeowners who are struggling to pay their mortgages.
We believe that every homeowner deserves a helping hand when it comes to their real estate situation—whether they’re looking for advice on how to get out of foreclosure and repossession or need assistance to stop their auction

So we created Real Estate Assist to help these homeowners get back on their feet. We work with people who have had financial difficulties or other problems that have caused them to fall behind on their mortgage payments, so they can keep their homes and avoid foreclosure.

If you’re in this position, don’t give up hope! It’s not too late to get a fresh start—we can help you find a solution that works for your situation.

We know what it’s like to be a homeowner who is worried about their financial future—we’ve worked with thousands of people who have found themselves in this tough position, and we want to help you get back on track too!

The company has developed an unrivalled level of expertise within the distressed property market and has become the first choice for many homeowners in distressed situations or those dealing with financial hardship.

Homeowners advisory in South Africa

We have been working with distressed homeowners for years, and we know how to get them out of it. We work with banks to negotiate debt forgiveness and loan modifications, as well as with real estate agents who can help sell your home quickly if that is the only option so you don’t have to worry about foreclosure or bankruptcy. We have Stopped many auctions and repossessions in their tracks and helped homeowners recover in their financial status and even restored them emotionally and empowered them to live a life they enjoy.

Don’t sell your home under pressure and stress

When you’re facing mortgage arrears or a repossession or auction that’s just too much for you to handle on your own, your options can seem pretty bleak. You may have considered selling your home, or even renting it out, but the process is full of paperwork and uncertainty.

But what if we told you there was a company that could help take the stress off your shoulders by buying your house from you and selling it back to you at a later date? Well, there is!

Real Estate Assist is an innovative company that specializes in assisting distressed property owners and helping homeowners get back on their feet and keep their homes. We assist homeowners that need a little extra TLC before they sell, which we call (Improve to Sell), and our team will work with you to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

Real Estate Assist is the leading solution expert for the distressed housing market in South Africa. We take pride in helping clients find solutions that will allow them to keep their homes, reduce their debts and rebuild their credit. We have helped thousands of homeowners stay in their homes by providing advice on how to avoid foreclosure, negotiate with banks and lenders, make payments on time, lower interest rates and more.

We know that when things get tough, it can be hard to see past the end of your nose—but we also know there’s always a way forward. If you want more information about how we can help with your mortgage or other financial woes, give us a call today!

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