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Debt Solutions South Africa

Stop Auction and Repossession

How to stop the auction of my house? Foreclosure, repossession, and auction are three methods that can lead to the sale of your home. But what is the difference between a foreclosure, repossession, and auction? And how do you stop an auction on your house in order to stop foreclosure or repossession from happening? Read on and find out more about Eviction prevention solutions! Evictions in South Africa are at an all-time high, let us help you become debt-free through your assets and consolidate your loans and debt.

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Foreclosure is the legal process by which a lender attempts to repossess your home after you stop making payments. This happens when the bank takes your home away from you because you didn’t pay back what was owed on it or failed to keep up with mortgage payments.


When an individual fails to make monthly loan repayments, there are laws which allow lenders (including banks) take possession of their property until they have made all monies due plus interest.


When the bank has decided to sell your home at an open-to-public sale called an Auction, this is very common in Australia with many auctions being held every day! You need to stop repossession or foreclosure before you can stop auction so how do we go about doing that?

To stop a foreclosure process it’s best if you contact Real Estate Assist who specializes in real estate law and ask them their opinion regarding what steps could be taken next.

They may Stop legal action and auction altogether and consolidate all debt, Unlock equity from your property, work with an investor or angel investor to give you some time to recover, or suggest legal action against the lender (such as filing for bankruptcy) or they might advise that selling the property would generate enough funds cover outstanding debts; either way, let us Assist You before it is too late…

stop foreclosure with real estate assist

Real Estate Advisory

We are a Real Estate Advisory that specializes and have many connections to Lawyers and Real Estate Law Specialists and have many unique solutions for any situation and tough circumstances. We are the ER of the Property Debt Management Services Industry and We have Helped countless distressed Property and Real Estate Owners keep their homes save their marriages and also become financially free, empowered and debt free.

Real Estate Assist South Africa

has helped many stop auction of their house and stop foreclosure or repossession. Real Estate Assist South Africa also helps clients sell their property quickly for cash so they can move on with life without the fear, stress and strain that comes with having to find money to pay back debts!

We Are One Of The Only Companies In SA That Specialize And Have Connections To Lawyers And Real Estate Law Specialists Who Can Help You Stop Foreclosure Repo Sale/Auction, So Don’t Wait… Avoid Paying Excessive Legal Fees and Enjoy Peace Of Mind Knowing That Your Property And The Money You Owe Is Being Looked After!

South Africa’s Economy

has been slowly getting better over the years. The unemployment rate is still high and many South Africans are struggling to keep up with their monthly repayments.

Auctions have become a very common way for banks in recovering these payments from individuals who stop repaying on time or do not even make any repayments at all. This means that if you stop paying your mortgage, they will most likely start an auction process of selling off your house which leads us to ask.

It is important to know your legal rights as an individual who has defaulted on your monthly repayment of the house that you bought.

We will try to break down all possible ways in which you can stop auction process of your home and what options are available for repossession prevention before it even reaches the stage where they start selling off your property at auctions.

The first thing to know is that whoever owns the property has a legal right called “Possession” over it. If you stop making your monthly repayments, then legally they can repossess or foreclose on your home and sell it off at auctions without even giving you notice of their intention because this process does not require any court order.

This means that if you stop paying for your home, be prepared to lose possession of the house within weeks because once they start selling off properties from people who stop payment – there are many buyers as well as agents looking forward to buying these homes at bulk sales which makes banks more likely to recover their money fast by selling them quickly! In fact so much so that one bank recently sold R70 Million worth of properties at one auction sale!

The Real Estate Assist Solution!

This is where Real Estate Assist comes in. We are not your average stop foreclosure company. The fact that we have been assisting struggling homeowners for over 8 years now with different processes makes us unique as well as highly experienced to help you stop the process before it starts and protect your property from being sold off or repossessed by banks, private mortgage companies or any other creditor looking forward to selling it when you default on repayments. Let’s start with what happens during an Auction:

– An advertisement will be published in national newspapers about the upcoming auction so people can attend if they wish

– You must provide enough time to lenders who want their money back because this legal process usually takes weeks after advertising your property at the auction

– The reason why they advertise it in newspapers is that if there are any other creditors looking forward to selling your house after stop payment or repossession, then all of them will be notified about this upcoming legal process

– At auctions you usually get a chance to bid on whatever price you would like but banks normally set their initial prices high so people don’t walk away thinking they can make thousands by buying the home “cheap”

Here is how you stop auction process of your house:

– Stop foreclosure – If you stop paying, they might start selling your property at auctions within weeks to recover their costs but if we stop them from repossessing or foreclosing on your home then this whole process can never take place

– Repossession prevention – We have many processes which we use to stop banks and creditors who want to repossess properties through legal actions.

– Auction protection – This is one of the best ways to stop auction because it works on a lot of levels. We stop any legal process

I know this all sounds too good to be true but what I’m telling you is 100% accurate. If you want more information about how Real Estate Assist can help stop auction processes before repossession takes place then just click below now for a free consultation with one of our experts who will offer you the best advice to stop auction of your house.

The Ultimate Repossession Solution!

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