The Distressed Property Solution for Homeowners in South Africa in 2023

Distressed Property Solution for Homeowners: South Africa Leading the way in repossession prevention

Distressed Property Solution for Homeowners

Real Estate Assist The Impaired and Distressed Property Solutions for Homeowners to stop repossession and keep their home

Real Estate Assist is a specialist division of the Assist Group and offers a unique solution to impaired and distressed homeowners. The process to stop repossession varies in length and price depending on whether you choose a Deed of Sale or Deed of Variation. A deed of sale is where our Real Estate Assist division purchases your property at below market value and gives you guaranteed cash back (a percentage) as well as a fixed monthly rental income for up to 5 years, during which time we will rent your home back to you.

A deed of variation means that you remain owner but would have been defaulted on by your bank in terms of your bond repayment. We assist with the re-establishment process by using our own funds to pay over any outstanding arrears, penalties and legal fees for an agreed monthly fee for up to 5 years. During this period we also collect all municipal rates and services, insurance premiums etc., so that at no stage do you interact directly with any third parties. In other words, we become the ‘middle man’ between yourself and the bank until such time as they are ready to re-establish your home loan

Real Estate Assist is a specialist firm dedicated to helping homeowners in South Africa who are at risk of repossession.

Real Estate Assist specialise in helping homeowners who are struggling with their mortgage and facing repossession. This includes people who have been made redundant, suffered a reduction in income, been declared bankrupt and face repossession as a result, people who have already had their home repossessed and those that are simply behind on making their mortgage payments because they can’t afford to or for some other reason.

We offer several options for people who are struggling with their mortgage because of ill health, long periods off work or other changes to their family’s circumstances.

As a homeowner, your monthly mortgage payment is undoubtedly the largest bill you pay. The good news? There are options available to help you through these difficult times, including:

Government-funded assistanceAlternative payment plansShort term forbearance

Calling in sick to work and having your boss or coworkers see you posting photos from Disneyland on Facebook would get you fired. So why should it be any different when dealing with the bank? Banks don’t want you to walk away from your mortgage obligation without a fight. They will do everything possible to keep you in your home until the end of time if that’s what it takes.

Our service is fast and reliable and the process is simple, with no upfront fees to pay. For more information or to start the process, please contact us on 021 201 5344 or visit our website –

Do you need help with your property?

Contact us today and we will put you in touch with a trained and experienced professional who is ready to assist.

Whether you are behind on payments or have other financial problems, our team at Real Estate Assist can help! We are here to help find solutions for homeowners in South Africa that can help prevent foreclosure, avoid repossession and keep their home.

Our service is fast, reliable and the best part of all is that we don’t charge any upfront fees! It’s FREE to talk with us about your real estate situation and get a quote from our experts so call now to speak with a property advisor.

The process is simple: just give us a call or visit our website for more information about how we work, what services we offer and why we are the best choice if you need assistance with your property!

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