Vision for Assist Group. Creating Wealth with real estate investments and consolidating debt for real estate owners in distress without debt review

The Big
Disrupting Concept

Real Estate Assist disrupts the current distressed real estate market by assisting you in the following ways.


1. Turning Around Unacceptable Industry Approaches.

  • We provide you with sustainable and bankable solutions which prevent being taken advantage of whilst providing protection and a win-win for all participants.

2. Recreating your world through real estate.

  • Facilitating the process for you to keep your home or real estate whilst recovering​.
  • Unlocking equity from your real estate to address financial needs.
  • Assisting you in maximizing your proceeds from the sale of your home or real estate.

3. Lasting solutions for Home Owners & win-win outcomes for all involved.

  • Governance and protection.
  • Sustainable and lasting solutions.
  • Maximize proceeds and prices are obtained for owners.
  • Protect equity for real estate owners and mortgage holders.
  • Assist to access equity from your real estate.
  • Improve your cash flow and credit score.

4. Moving Non-Qualifying Prospective Home Buyers into Home Ownership.

  • You may not able to buy a home because you do not qualify for a mortgage bond on the account of NCA and Financial institution’s Criteria.
  • You don’t have a big enough deposit.
  • You are still recovering from an adverse credit record.
  • You are a first-time buyer entering the property market.
  • You are a purchaser that wants to “try before you fly.

5. Offering Structured Real Estate Solutions Not Available In The Market.

As a real estate owner in need of assistance we provide you clarity prior to transacting after assessment with regards to the:

  • Options.
  • Cost.
  • Exit strategy.
  • Final outcome.

Unlock Your Property's Full Potential

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